Report on RoboCup2009

In the Soccer League we participated with three Teams (1 Primary and 2 Secondarys) According to the three days statistics about the scores we had winned games in 33% rate.

In the picture the AMINI, NyF_OND and PUSKAS Teams during games:
Alex (left), Marci (middle), Áron and Ádám (right) are waiting for the referees whistel.


The TAFEMOGE rescue primary Team was rewarded 6. place as Single Team
and was 3. place as Super Team together shared to Japan Team.

The TAFEMOGE Team (Tamás, Feri, Morád, Gergõ) with third prize Cup.

In the Dance League on the stage during their performance. Diána and Zsófi members of RoboGirls Team(left).
Vivienn, Mercédesz and Rita members of Robofolk Team (right).


Both Teams were rewarded with first prizes shared to other Nations in the Super Teams.

In the picture bellow girls of Robofolk dancing with German and Mexican mates on the stage.
In front of the stage the judges are scoring the perfomance.