RCJ 2018 Rule Publication

TC members are currently finalizing the 2018 rules. The rules are scheduled to be published on our website during January 2018, and we will notify you when it is done. 

Changes in RoboCupJunior 2018

As you have been informed by previous Newsletter, the following changes apply to RoboCupJunior 2018  Montreal :

Placeholder Application and Team Allocation for RoboCupJunior 2018

Maximum team limit  for RCJ 2018 is 180. We could provide only 1 team per sub-league for most of regions. Please submit the request only for the sub-leagues that you are holding the national selection event, and you are certain about the team participation from your region in the sub-league.

Along with the placeholder application, you will be asked to submit the information about your region including # of teams, selection events and regional activities. We will also ask you to give priority to sub-leagues. The information helps us to evaluate the RoboCupJunior activities in your region and adjust the team allocation for RoboCupJunior 2018. Regions without a selection event can request only 1 team slot across all sub-leagues.

Placeholder Application and Team Registration Process

The following shows the schedule for the placeholder application and team registration: